It is easy to focus our attention on everything that is wrong in our world. As people of faith we aren't simply "optimists" in the secular manner of speaking. We are optimistic because we believe firmly in the virtue of "hope." Hope that is firmly rooted in Jesus Christ does not disappoint. That is a consoling thought.
This morning I began my day at by arriving at St. Mary's School for their annual foundation fundraising breakfast 6:30 A.M. It was a pleasure to see members of the faculty, the clergy, Bishop Etienne, and about 70 parishioners come together for this event (as well as many of the students who graciously waited on tables). It was also nice to see the mayor of Cheyenne and a couple of other elected officials join us for this early morning gathering. I couldn't stay for the whole event because I had to be at the Little America Hotel by 7:30 A.M. to be sure everything was ready for our closing day at the Institute. My blood wasn't flowing too smoothly at 6:30 A.M. so I forgot to take pictures at St. Mary's School. (However, I did get some photos of the Institute during the previous two days.)
I am hoping to get a little rest tomorrow prior to leaving for Cody on Saturday for the Respect Life Banquet. I am looking forward to being with the Catholics United for Life and joining Rev. Denis Wilde, O.S.A., Ph.D. from Priests for Life to share an inspiring message of hope for all the faithful people engaged in pro-life work.