My wife and I now marvel at the accomplishments of our children. They have already achieved some things in life that we have not. The only reasonable thing we can do is claim credit for everything they achieve due to our awesome parenting. On the flip side, we will quickly distance ourselves if there is a less than a stellar moment that would diminish our successful parenting image.
Our son graduated high school as the salutatorian of his class. My wife nor I can lay claim to such an accomplishment in our own academic pursuits. Now, as I watch his expertise in computer science, I am sure his achievements will be numerous during the course of his career once he graduates college.
Our daughter, pictured above on the right (talking with her hands), was part of an interactive panel discussing "How to Welcome and Keep Young Couples at the Parish" at a national conference in Denver earlier today. It has taken me decades to build up my speaking platform, and here she is early in her career accomplishing things I have not. It has to be our excellent parenting!!!
My prayers continue for all those gathered in Denver. It is my hope that this time of study and formation will bear abundant fruit when you return home to your ministries in your local parishes and dioceses. "May the Lord who has begun this good work in you bring it to fulfillment."