This event takes place May 10—May 17, 2014. It will be a little inconvenient for Americans to participate because it takes place in the U.K. However, there is a very serious reason for this indulgence. If you buy doughnuts between May 10 and May 17, from participating bakeries (in the U.K.) then you will be helping to raise money for a very good cause - The Children's Trust. National Doughnut Week has raised over £755,000 in the past 21 years for children's charities, and it is hoped that at least £30,000 will be raised to make this the best year ever.
I was going to put a picture of a doughnut with this posting, but of course there wasn’t a donut to be found anywhere in the office today. Then I thought about waiting until tomorrow to post the blog to see if I could swing by a bakery in the morning to get a donut to photograph (and eat). Prudence dictated that I post this as soon as possible and not wait to get a picture. After all, you may want to book your airline ticket quickly to get to the U.K. to celebrate beginning on Saturday.