Before you start to question whether or not I got up "on the wrong side of the bed" this morning, let me assure you that I did not. I am not trashing "Mother's Day." I think it is absolutely wonderful that we celebrate our moms. It has just been a little over six months since my mom died and I wish she were here so I could wish her a Happy Mother's Day. I am grateful for the 91 years she was able to be on this earth.
The hypocrisy that I see in this day is from our government leaders who shower accolades upon the organization which strives to eliminate motherhood. Tax dollars fund an institution whose main purpose is to help extinguish life. The CEO of this leading abortion provider is hailed as a champion of women's rights as she strives to empower women by "helping" them not become moms. These same political leaders who hail this woman as a pillar of the community will speak glowingly today of motherhood. How ironic is that? Or should I say, hypocritical?
In most of the Ecclesiastical Provinces of the United States we are celebrating the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord today. As we prepare our hearts and minds for the renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit next week at Pentecost, let us keep in mind that we are called to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit each and every day. We are to stand up for Truth. The mixed messages sent by secular society needs the clarity of Truth as proclaimed by God's Holy Church. We each have a responsibility to share in that prophetic witness.
I pray for all mothers today. I hope you are blessed with the love of your family in a profound way. For all of you that no longer have the blessing of having your mother here on earth, please know of my prayers for you in a particular way. To all single moms struggling to keep things together in the midst of all the demands of life, please know of my prayers and support. Don't hesitate to reach out to members of your church community if you need help. There are gracious and generous people willing to lend a hand. Grandmothers, you are precious. We all know that. Thank you for your love. Godmothers, thank you for your witness to the faith. Stepmoms, foster moms, and any other moms I am missing, thank you for all you do to create family.
Please continue to pray that our society strives to build a culture of life. To all of the people involved in keeping our pregnancy care centers going, I want to offer a word of gratitude to you today as well. Your message is clear. Life is precious.
Happy Mother's Day!