The liturgical calendar assists us in celebrating the faith well. However, we can simply go through the motions year after year without truly experiencing that "life in abundance" which Jesus offers (John 10:10). If we find ourselves in a rut, how do we get out? How do we cooperate more fully with God's grace? It starts with prayer. We must make time each day to be alone with the Lord. There needs to be some quiet time so we can just listen to the Lord.
I invite you to look honestly at your prayer life. Have you grown in the last five years? Look at the frequency of your prayer. Has your one-on-one time with God grown through the years? What kind of fervor is present when you pray? Are you loving God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength? Or are you giving honor to God with your lips while your heart remains far from Him? Has your awareness of the presence of God grown in your day-to-day life? Do you truly get a sense of how God moves in your life?
What will it take for you to truly experience "new life" in your spiritual quest?