As I age, I more fully appreciate the wisdom of some of the people who surround me. Their life experience has taught them some lessons that they generously hand on to others. In the midst of sharing some of the struggles of the journey, we grow together and learn from one another. There may be some wear and tear on us, maybe even a few bird droppings messing up our path, but we know our worth as children of God.
After yesterday's blog post, I had the opportunity to hear from a lot of folks. Some of you commented on my social media pages, some of you personally emailed, and a few of you touched base with a phone call. It was good to hear from each one of you. Thank you for your words of encouragement and for your prayers on our behalf.
Some of you are bearing heavy burdens as well. Thank you for your openness and vulnerability in sharing about the crosses you are carrying. I learned long ago that there is frequently deep sorrow behind someone's smile. It is amazing to see how good we can get at concealing the pain in our lives. Each and every one of us has a story. That story includes pain and struggle, whether we want to admit or not. Please know that you do not walk alone.
My dear readers, we do know WHO holds tomorrow. Thanks to Robyn for pointing me in the direction of Branson, Missouri to hear the Petersens sing, "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow."