While I spent some time resting yesterday, I also spent quite a bit of time signing some books in advance of our gathering at Immaculate Conception Church in Old Monroe, Missouri. While I am more than happy to personalize the books at someone's request, I have come to find out that it sure helps to have some books signed ahead of time to keep the process flowing.
The nearly 900 mile drive from Cheyenne, Wyoming to St. Charles, Missouri seems to get a little longer each time I make the trip. As I drove by the Cheyenne Regional Airport today, and saw a particular airplane parked there, I thought about what it must be like to travel "first class." It would certainly be easier than a long car ride.
Please Note:
I am not making a political statement. I simply took a picture of an airplane parked at the small airport in my town. Apparently, Ivanka Trump and her family are vacationing in Saratoga, Wyoming. Cheyenne was the closest airport that could handle their large plane.