It is interesting (and sad) to see how appropriate the message still remains today. Paragraph 12 summarizes some of the challenges we face and what our response should be as Church.
12. As a matter of fact, there have never been lacking, either in ancient or in more recent times, those who tried to subjugate the peoples by the use of arms; on the other hand, We have never ceased to promote a true peace. The Church desires to win over peoples and to educate them to virtue and right social living, not by means of arms but with the truth. For "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God"
(II Cor. 10, 4).
World events make it clear that we are far from having a lasting and true peace. What will we, as individuals and as a Church, do in our local communities to promote this true peace for which we long? It has been 63 years since this encyclical was written. How well have we implemented the message contained in this document during all of those passing years? What progress will we make in the next 63 years?