"Transfigured By Love" was the title I gave to the Mission since we started out on the weekend when the Gospel account of the Transfiguration was proclaimed. I then focused on the topics of mercy, humility, and service in each of the successive evenings. We concluded the last evening with an opportunity for individual prayer and/or the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The drive home consisted of some snow-packed roads but not too hazardous. I am always grateful when another safe journey has been completed.
This evening is the start of a women's Cursillo weekend being held at Holy Trinity Parish in Cheyenne. I am scheduled to give a couple of meditations this evening as well as one tomorrow morning. It will then be time to start gearing up for the Cathedral Parish Mission which begins this weekend. Please pray that I am guided by the Holy Spirit during these days so I may speak words which will build up God's people.