(I originally posted this article on August 18, 2015. I think it is still very pertinent today three years later. Subsequently, I am running it again.)
It was my pleasure to spend some time today with the faculty and staff of St. Mary's School in Cheyenne for an in-service workshop as we gear up for the start of another school year. As Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Cheyenne I have the distinct privilege of being connected with all of our Catholic schools across the state. The dedication and commitment of our pastors, principals, teachers, support staff, parents, volunteers and financial benefactors gives our students an amazing opportunity for a top-notch education as well as solid faith formation. We are blessed indeed.
I reminded the group today that our "Common Core" in education is Jesus Christ. We are training our students to be intentional disciples. In a world that seems to be going ever more astray from Christian principles it is essential that we model Christ-like behavior. We are called to be faithful witnesses. Furthermore, we have a responsibility to do our best to equip those in our care for the same mission. While parents are the first and primary teachers of their children in the faith, the Catholic school serves as a powerful support system in that endeavor. We cannot settle for mediocrity in our classrooms. Excellence is needed in every area of our academic institutions to fully prepare our students for the challenges of life.
We closed with prayer today and placed everyone connected with the school under God's blanket of protection. It is essential that we maintain vigilance in our life of prayer. We pray without ceasing, and we honor God not just with our lips, but our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Prayer strengthens us to be people of study. We are to be life-long learners. Growing in our knowledge of God will hopefully lead us to truly knowing God. Finally, we put our faith into action. We are doers of the Word, not simply hearers of the Word.
Have a wonderful school year!