Let us pray earnestly today that our society will embrace a culture of life.
Let us pray for all bishops, priests, deacons, and religious sisters and brothers--may these and all leaders in the Church truly promote and sustain the Gospel of Life.
Let us pray for all government officials--may they govern with wisdom and prudence protecting life from conception through natural death.
Let us pray for all couples preparing for marriage as well as the newly married--may they grow in holiness and cooperate fully with the grace of God as they nurture the domestic Church.
Let us pray that all children will come to know a world which chooses life over death.
Let us pray for obstetrical doctors and nurses and all who nurture the life of children in the womb.
Let us pray for all who have been impacted by the tragedy of abortion.
Let us pray for all who work in the media. May their work reflect the sacredness of human life and the dignity of human sexuality.
May each of us be a faithful witness of the love of Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!