Here are a few points to ponder in regard to your own spiritual journey:
1. Do you pray daily? Is your prayer fervent? Are you praying from the heart and not just your lips?
2. Do you spend time reading, studying, and praying the Sacred Scriptures?
3. Are you faithful in celebrating the Eucharistic liturgy each week with full, conscious, and active participation?
4. Do you look for ways to be a faithful witness to Jesus Christ on a daily basis? Are you willing to be that witness when it is in a difficult circumstance?
5. Are you eager to help make your local parish community be the best it can be? Do you seek out ways to serve and build up the Body of Christ?
My dear people, none of us can know for sure where our individual roads will lead. We are simply called to walk humbly with our God in faith. If we are going to do that successfully we will need to be people of fervent prayer. How healthy and strong is your prayer life at the moment? Follow the road that God leads you on and you will not be disappointed.