While I have led a couple of workshops in previous years in Wheatland, this will be my first parish mission at St. Patrick. It will also be my first time to visit the mission church in Chugwater when I preach at the 11:00 A.M. Mass on March 26. I am looking forward to both experiences.
This is going to be an exciting Lent. I am now scheduled to lead four parish missions, preach at 13 Eucharistic liturgies, lead a women's retreat, speak at an Eagle Scout Recognition Banquet, and lead an RCIA retreat the week before Lent begins. Throw in my attendance at the monthly diaconate formation weekend, the day of recollection and Chrism Mass on April 6, and everything associated with Holy Week and I have a full calendar. In the midst of all of that I will still have to get my usual work completed.
Usually, I recuperate for a while after Easter. There won't be much time for that this year as I head to St. Patrick's Parish in Casper at the end of April to preach at the weekend Masses to kick-off the annual Living and Giving in Christ appeal. The weekend following that I head to the western side of the state to lead a men's retreat in Thayne, Wyoming. It appears I will have to make time for rest in June.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good! His mercy endures forever!