What role do you and I play in promoting a culture of life? It seems to me that it begins in our homes. How do we treat those individuals closest to us? Is there truly a culture of life in our homes? It is essential for us to bring out the best in one another. If we are ripping one another apart with our words and/or our actions in our own homes, how can we expect to bring a message of “respect life” to the wider community? Our lifestyle will speak louder than any words we can attempt to offer.
Is there a culture of prayer in our homes? Is prayer a vital component of who we are as family? I frequently read articles about creating a culture of nonviolence. This effort can only gain momentum if we as individuals and as families develop that mentality in our own lives. It isn’t enough for us to be content with not committing grave acts of violence. Do we truly demonstrate a Christ-like attitude which reflects that each and every person is a masterpiece of God’s creation? It will require prayer to grow in this state of holiness.
I want abortion to end. I want euthanasia to end. I want physician-assisted suicide to end. I want capital punishment to end. When we (human beings) start to take on the role of God and determine who lives and who dies, we are sure to reap chaos. As I look around at society and observe the heartache and turmoil that surrounds us, it would appear that we are reaping what we have sown. Violence breeds violence. Even if it is labeled as a woman’s right to choose, abortion is a violent act. If you doubt that, watch the movie, “The Silent Scream.”
There are obviously a multitude of societal and cultural factors that influence how we live. We may choose to dismiss factors such as abortion and simply say it is a private matter. Unfortunately, whether we tend to acknowledge the impact of abortion on society or not, the impact is still present nonetheless. Our unwillingness to acknowledge the impact does not diminish the effects.
Each and every human life is sacred—from conception through natural death. As individuals, as families, as Church, we each have a role to play in creating a culture of life. Let us live each day in gratitude for the gift of life. “EACH OF US IS A MASTERPIECE OF GOD’S CREATION.”