Recently, I happened to drive by Treasure Falls just outside of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. It seemed like it was a worth a stop to take in the beauty. I enjoyed the cool and crisp mountain air while admiring the waterfall. It was very peaceful and serene listening to the rushing water. My mind drifted far from the anxieties of the world as I took the time to soak in the tranquility at hand.
I hope you are finding some quiet time during these days of summer to refresh and renew yourself. The month of July generally provides me an opportunity to get a head start on preparations for the fall. Speaking engagements in September and October seem like a long way off from the beginning of July, but it is amazing how quickly time passes and these events arrive. If I stay on top of preparatory work now it makes it much easier when my schedule bounces back into full swing in mid-August.
As you enjoy the beauty of the outdoors--mountains, oceans, lakes, or just the tree in the front yard as you sit on the porch swing--give God praise and glory. Let us never take for granted any of the blessings we enjoy.