Individually and collectively we are in need of inner healing. Msgr. Charles Pope said it well yesterday in the title of his blog. "The Darkness is Deepening in a Land Overshadowed by Abortion." In one paragraph deep into the article he lists many immoral activities that would have been almost "unimaginable sixty years ago." Our nation is in need of serious healing from the overwhelming darkness of sin.
Maintaining hope in the midst of chaos, confusion, and rampant carnality is not easy. It is quite plausible to become disillusioned and dismayed when it seems like there is no real hope for our nation. The added dimension of ambiguity and questionable statements by Church leaders in regard to some of these issues only serves to heighten the frustration and concerns of many Catholics. What does the Church really teach?
Pastoral outreach by Church leaders is essential. However, it cannot be accomplished effectively without having sound doctrine and solid theological understanding as a foundation from which to begin. Genuine mercy preaches the Gospel with clarity in a spirit of charity. If we do not call people to holiness in our outreach we are offering counterfeit compassion. Pastoral ministry must include an invitation to conversion.
The darkness of our age is real. Spiritual warfare is real. I am clinging to Christ tightly. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!