On September 27, 1937, the Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School was established and today is the oldest continuously-run Santa school in the world. (I had no idea such a thing existed.)
On another note, September 27, is World Tourism Day. Learn more at their website.
World Tourism Day is celebrated every year on September 27. It is a global observance to highlight tourism’s social, cultural, political and economic value.
We certainly enjoy some luxuries in modern times to be able to travel all around the world. Obviously, travel costs money and tourism dollars impact many communities in dramatic ways both here and abroad. The social, cultural, and political ramifications of tourism would probably be more difficult to accurately measure than the economic impact. I would like to throw another category into the mix that was not directly included on the World Tourism Day website. What has been the impact of tourism from a moral standpoint? What kinds of immoral behaviors have been introduced into other societies from the more "enlightened" and "progressive" cultures?
Finally, let's end on an upbeat note. There are some famous and not-so-famous people having birthdays today. Let your heart skip a beat ladies. Shaun Cassidy was born on this date in 1958. Are you a little older? If so, do you know Marvin Lee Aday? He was born on this date in 1947. If you don't recognize his name, do you remember music by MEATLOAF?
All right, that is enough of a trip down memory lane. I'm starting to show my age. Anyway, I'll let you speculate about the non-famous people having birthdays today.