During the Christmas holidays I have been spending some time reading a couple of books. One book that I am re-reading is by John C. Maxwell entitled, "Your Road Map for Success." His material always reminds me to get my priorities in line with what I want to accomplish. It begins with knowing my purpose in life. Thankfully, John Maxwell helped me understand this many years ago when I was first introduced to "Developing the Leader Within You." I want to add value to the lives of other people by teaching and preaching God's love for them. That is my purpose.
As John Maxwell describes success I am challenged to ask myself some difficult questions. Am I growing to reach my maximum potential? This can cover a multitude of areas in my life. Am I growing in holiness? Do I pray with frequency and fervor? Am I growing in my ministry? I strive to be a continous learner because I never want to be content with the status quo. However, it can sometimes be an uphill climb to stay motivated. How do I keep a positive attitude amid the struggles?
The answers to these questions, and many more, give an indication of the fruitfulness of my ministry. Am I truly sowing seeds that benefit others? This includes my words, my actions, and my inactions. Do I model Christ's love for others in my behavior? Am I a credible witness when I teach and preach?
I typically don't make resolutions for the new year beginning on January 1. I prefer to examine my conscience and my life at the beginning of Advent, Lent, and during my annual retreat. This provides a foundation for daily reflections throughout the year to be aware of whether or not I am truly "walking humbly with my God." If there is not a consistent time of meditation and reflection each and every day it is easy to get off track.
I simply close by asking three questions utilizing John Maxwell's definition of success.
1. Do you know your purpose in life?
2. Are you growing to reach your maximum potential?
3. Are you sowing seeds that benefit others?
(I highly recommend that you read any of John Maxwell's books. You won't be disappointed.)