My sight then focused on the crucifix with palms located on both sides. The triumphant entry of Jesus which we celebrate on Palm Sunday is contrasted with the gibbet of the cross. Looking at this particular crucifix and the surrounding environment reminded me of those moments in my own life when I celebrate Christ as King but then so easily turn away and pursue my own will instead of God's will. Sin enters into my life and I join the crowd with those awful words, "Crucify Him!"
Finally, my sight was drawn upward even further to the stained glass window. The natural light flowing through the window grabbed my attention more forcefully than the image contained in the window. There was a significant difference between the artificial lighting and the natural light penetrating through the stained glass. It made me ponder the reality of heaven. What will it be like when we stand in the presence of God? I can only imagine the Light of Christ in the context of the Transfiguration account in the Gospel. The brightness will surely be immense.
Sacred spaces invite us into prayer and contemplation. I invite you to take some time to quietly sit in your local church, or visit another church, when there are no scheduled services. Allow the silence to penetrate the depths of your being. Let your mind and heart reflect upon the essence of being in the presence of God. Lord, it is good that we are here.