This evening the Cathderal Guild women will celebrate in a special way their 100th anniversary. We will begin with Mass, installation of officers for next year, and dinner. It is my understanding that there will also be a vintage fashion show. I am going to dress just as I usually do. If they think I represent the 1950's I guess that will say something about my wardrobe choices.
The ladies of the Cathedral Guild are dedicated. They give of their time and their talent over and over again. Many events occur at the cathedral. If there is a reception to be hosted following one of these events, the Cathedral Guild women are there taking care of it. Ordinations--check. Chrism Mass--check. Funeral luncheons--check. Pro-life breakfast--check. The list could go on and on.
The women of the Cathedral Guild are people of prayer. They model what it means to have "full, conscious and active participation" in the liturgy and the life of the Church overall.
These dedicated and prayerful women give all of us an example of servant leadership. They do their ministries with joy.
Congratulations to all of the members of the Cathedral Guild both past and present. This milestone of 100 years is certainly something to celebrate. I am happy to be a small part of the festivities.
What is the one word I use to describe the women of the Cathedral Guild?