My heart grieves for all those who lost loved ones in those attacks. I can only imagine the heartache that must still exist even after all these years. The senseless killing of so many is beyond the comprehension of most rational people. How can you ever justify such an action?
My heart also grieves for all of the survivors and the first responders who witnessed such horrendous suffering. How do you emotionally recover from such an experience? The heroism of so many during the height of the chaos is simply phenomenal. In the midst of hate we witnessed sacrifice and love.
The inconvenience of going through security at airports and other major events has become commonplace. The toll taken on society since 9/11 has been immense in a multitude of ways. Personal freedom has been sacrificed in an attempt to gain a little extra sense of security. The end result has been a loss of both freedom and security. We are frequently treated like criminals when going through security screenings, and yet, we are still frequently filled with trepidation when boarding a plane or attending a major event where thousands of people are gathered. Will this be the next target?
Shootings, kidnappings, sexual assaults, robberies, and a laundry list of other crimes make the nightly news. Politicians and news pundits talk about the issues night after night and nothing ever seems to change. Life is cheap. In the new scheme of things it appears that no one's life really matters. The beneficiaries of a society filled with fear are those seeking power and control. It also financially benefits those who market to the fearful citizens. Companies that specialize in home security systems or gun sales certainly benefit from a population that is living in fear.
The political bantering back and forth is disheartening. Does anyone have an idea beyond the party line talking points? Can we actually use reason and logic in the discussions? More gun control seems to be the ready made answer for some folks. I live in Wyoming where there are a lot of guns and gun owners. We aren't frequently shooting each other. However, Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation and they had 54 people shot over the Labor Day Weekend. Is it the fault of the guns? Do you want to ban guns? The terrorists on 9/11 used airplanes to commit their destruction. Shall we also ban airplanes?
Sociological evidence can clearly demonstrate the ill-effects on society since the methodical dismantling of the traditional family unit--mom, dad, and children. A broken family leads to a broken society. The manipulation of our major institutions which once supported the traditional foundations of society have also caused great distress. God has been removed. Good is now evil. Evil is now good. Evil is not only tolerated. It is celebrated.
The loss of moral credibility due to scandals in the Church has had a devastating effect on the moral compass of our society. The Church is no longer looked to for moral guidance. It is at best tolerated, at worst ridiculed and shunned. It definitely is not shaping the moral fabric of society as it has in years past. We all suffer from this missing piece of the puzzle. If all viewpoints are welcomed at the table of discussion except for Christians, we are speeding down a path of moral decadence, destruction, and death.
What are we to do? First of all, stop looking toward government for the answers. Our nation is suffering from a moral and spiritual collapse, not a political demise. Unless we turn back to God there is very little hope for our nation. The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes were given to us to enhance our freedom. Can you imagine how free we would all be if everyone lived by these basic tenets of life? Ignoring these simple rules for living create an atmosphere of license where individuals do whatever they want. This, in turn, diminishes freedom for the rest of us.
The decline of powerful nations throughout history is well-documented. One would think we would learn from history and not doom ourselves to repeat it. The people of the Old Testament demonstrated the cycle over and over. Walk with God and flourish. Turn away from God and suffer the consequences of your foolish actions. My dear people, I have one simple prayer for today:
O God, help us turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.