It is difficult to find good news in the arena of political discourse. The Republican debate last night highlighted the juvenile nature of politics. Unfortunately, there are real-life consequences for those of us not part of the elite. The 1996 book written by Robert H. Bork may need a new title. Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline may need to change the word from "Slouching" to "Rushing Headlong" as we drift further and further into moral depravity and lawlessness.
The Republicans are only one side of the equation. Things are not much prettier on the Democratic side of things. Did Bill Clinton violate campaign laws in Massachusetts? Will the FBI investigation into Mrs. Clinton's e-mail server result in charges? What about the allegations regarding the Clinton Foundation? How far does the lust for power reach?
Is it possible for a good person to be elected president in our current system? Does greed, corruption, and a thirst for power eliminate the chances of a respectable person attaining the highest office in the land? John Kasich touted his presence on the debate stage last night as being the "adult in the room." Can his message be heard above the voices of those involved in the schoolyard brawl, or will he suffer the same fate as soft-spoken Dr. Ben Carson? Governor Kasich actually has a record of public service that can be reviewed and evaluated. Does that matter, or will he simply be written off because he is not as flamboyant as other candidates?
Keep praying. Keep pursuing holiness. God is calling us to be great saints!