It saddens my heart to watch our nation slide deeper and deeper into immorality. The party platform which promotes abortion as something to be celebrated lets me know that there is no pursuit of the common good. We have moved from keeping abortion "safe, legal, and rare" to an active marketing campaign to have more and more abortions. To top it off we are expected to pay for it with our tax dollars. When moral issues are ignored our politics have nowhere to go except toward Sodom and Gomorrah. We find ourselves there today.
You may accuse me of being a one issue voter. That is okay. The first issue must always be life. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" means nothing if that first component is eliminated. You have no liberty and no opportunity to pursue happiness if your life is terminated before ever seeing the light of day.
Catholic politicians repeatedly tell us it is okay to vote for pro-abortion candidates. My suggestion would be that these politicians stop referring to themselves as Catholic. The confusion created by such statements from politicians is unfortunate to say the least. There will be a day when we will each render an account for our actions.
If we truly believe that we are created in the image and likeness of God, we must do everything in our power to help our country grow in its understanding of the sacred dignity and value of each human life. Abortion, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide all demonstrate a careless attitude toward the precious gift of life. These are not simply political issues. They are moral issues. The Church must continue to defend life from conception through natural death.
As I cast my ballot today I felt a sense of futility. It is the first time I have felt that way when entering the voting booth. In a free country I have always cherished the right to vote. I know the sacrifices that were made to give me that right and that privilege. I will not take that right for granted. However, the fullness of corruption being on full display during this political season has diminished the joy of voting. The lust for money and power among the elite does not bode well for our overall well-being as a nation. Is there any reason to believe things will change for the better any time soon?
Please pray for our nation. Please pray for our Church.