I will be seeking some solitude over the weekend to pray and process the events of recent days. It is good to enter into solitude and allow the Holy Spirit to move within the depths of my being to bring clarity, peace, and healing. These days of November also provide an opportunity to really and truly pray for our deceased relatives, friends, and benefactors. My mom's funeral on the Feast of All Souls Day has reminded me of the necessity to continue to pray for our departed loved ones.
The end of the Church Year is quickly approaching. What type of resolution will you make for the New Year to grow in holiness? The First Sunday of Advent (the beginning of the new Church Year) is on November 29. Prepare now to establish a plan for growing in holiness during the upcoming year.
1. What will you do to enhance your prayer life?
2. What part of Church teaching will you study to enhance your knowledge?
3. What acts of service will you concentrate on this year?
A Japanese proverb sums it up well:
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."
Is your personal vision for your life to be a saint? I hope so. Now, what are the disciplines needed in your life to open yourself more fully to God's grace working in you?