The Beatitudes continue to be a guiding light as we move forward with each passing day. I am extremely grateful for the Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of the Church to provide solid footing as we walk along some treacherous paths. There are plenty of obstacles and dangers to confront us on the pilgrimage of faith.
I am going to finish the Lenten journey by isolating myself a little from the news. I find it necessary to do this from time to time in an effort to refocus and realign my priorities. The constant flow of negativity from the news cycle can provide a devastating blow to one's attempt at being a person of hope. We cannot afford to lose our hope or our joy which is rooted in the love of God, the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. If Christ is living in me, as St. Paul reminds us so frequently in his writings, then I must be a person of hope.
With that being said, may I pose a couple of questions regarding the latest news cycle? Why is (Catholic?) Georgetown University welcoming Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards as a speaker to their campus? Secondly, why is a pro-life event not allowed to be advertised through an entire diocese when there is simply a disagreement with the speaker's immigration stance? That is what Laura Ingraham experienced from the Diocese of Yakima, Washington. Since she does not condone open borders there was hesitancy to have this very public Catholic figure speak at a pro-life event to raise money for life-giving endeavors which the Church supports.
There is a difference between doctrines of the Church concerning abortion and mere political views in regard to methodologies utilized in handling the immigration issue. The Church has long supported efforts to care for the poor and marginalized members of society. This is laudable. We have a "preferential option for the poor" in the language of the Church. However, the ways in which we accomplish this task can be up for discussion.
On the flip-side, the killing of an innocent human being through the act of abortion is considered intrinsically evil by the Church. Georgetown University apparently does not care about the teachings of the Church as Cecile Richards is welcomed to their campus. The mixed messages being sent to the people of God are causing immense confusion and alienation.
I mentioned above that my reflection in the stone is a bit blurry, off-centered, and out of place. Compare that to the doctrines of the Church which are clear, centered on Christ, and always in place. May the grace of God keep us from losing sight of what is right and true. Keep the faith my dear friends!