The beauty of nature has been drawing my heart to God recently. I don't know exactly why this sentiment has been so strong and prevalent, but I suspect that life circumstances have played a role. Being ill for a couple of months earlier this year certainly reminded me of the value and precious gift of good health. The difficult times in life have a way of reminding us not to take for granted the good times. My awareness level has most likely been heightened from this experience as well as my mom's struggle to recover from her broken hip. Pain and suffering bring a different perspective into our lives.
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." ~James 5:16
I want to invite and encourage you today to pray for someone in need of healing. This can include physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing. It can also be the healing of broken relationships. I sincerely believe that our prayers are powerful and effective just as the Scriptures tell us. Thus, we have a duty and a responsibility to lift others up in prayer. This is also a tremendous privilege. Allowing God's grace to work in us and through us for the building up of the Kingdom is a blessing we don't want to miss. Take some time today to call to mind any people in your life who could benefit from your intercessory prayer. Lift them up to God and watch the blessings flow.