Eclipse-mania is in full swing in Casper. Business owners are trying to capitalize on this God-given event; employees in these same businesses do not seem as enthused. While sitting in a restaurant with only a few other patrons (I won't say which one), I heard two employees talking about the eclipse and what hours they were working. The one said, "It is bad enough dealing with the regular idiots we have all the time; now we will have up to 40,000 more in town." Just a simple tip to the employee--don't bad mouth your customers while they are sitting there in your establishment keeping you employed.
Once again , our nation mourns. The violence in Charlottesville, Virginia has captured the media's attention. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Spin it politically in the way that you desire, and don't let facts get in the way of telling a good story. Our country is in a sad state of affairs on many different levels. The common good of the people is anything but common.
One blogger blamed pro-lifers for the violence in Charlottesville. Wow! Now that is a stretch. When pro-lifers make the claim that the killing of the innocent unborn leads to all of this other violence, they are dismissed as lunatics. In today's modern society it is the individuals trying to protect innocent human life who are blamed for violence across the board. I must have missed that class in my "LOGIC" course.
Where did we lose our sense of direction as a nation? We have never been a perfect nation and I understand that. I can also comprehend the need for civil disobedience in certain circumstances. However, what is being demonstrated in our country today is simply violence for the sake of violence. No one wins in that scenario.
Dialogue is a lost art. Unfortunately, the inability to discuss matters in a rational way means there is no room for compromise and/or agreement on any of the elements of the issue at hand. It is a "winner take all" proposition. Sadly, we all lose in the end.
My dear readers, be people of prayer. Then let the promptings of the Holy Spirit guide you in being a faithful witness in the world to the love of Jesus Christ. If the events of the world are making you cynical and giving you a sense of hopelessness, turn to God ever more deeply and frequently in your prayer. It is also okay to enjoy a little "down time" once in a while and soak in some of the simple pleasures of life.