One of the spokespersons in Baton Rouge said it well, "This isn't about gun control. It's about men's hearts." Evil has been allowed to thrive in our nation due to a variety of factors. The term "separation of Church and State" has been used as a means to completely squelch the voice of the Church. The progressive movement has pushed for the concept of freedom FROM religion rather than freedom OF religion. The moral decadence that follows from such an endeavor is what we are witnessing in our time.
While we may be tempted to lay the blame for our national woes at the feet of the politicians, I think each of us may need to do some real soul searching within ourselves. How have we contributed to society by our words and actions on a daily basis? Have we been a positive influence? More specifically, has the Christian faith been evident in our lives for others to see? I am not saying that we are to flaunt our Christian values in an arrogant self-righteous manner. I am simply asking if we have been a faithful witness to Jesus Christ in our words and actions without hiding our light under a bushel basket.
Apathy and complacency among Christianity leads to agnosticism. If we are not filled with zeal and fervor in our walk with the Lord why would we expect other people to be excited about the journey of faith? The Church needs to experience the fire of the Holy Spirit in a profound way. If we succumb to functioning in a dull and lifeless manner within the Church, we will continue to see more and more people drift from a life of faith. The repercussions of that can be seen in our society today.
Those of us in Church leadership positions bear a heavy burden of responsibility for the current state of affairs. Let's be honest. There are frequent occasions when the preaching and teaching of the clergy is less than power-packed. In 1 Peter 4:11 we are reminded that our preaching should be the Word of God. If our preaching is motivated and inspired by the Holy Spirit it will contain power. Our congregations desperately need that type of preaching on a regular basis. This is a task that must be taken seriously by all members of the clergy for the salvation of souls.
Even though the Church is sometimes not welcome in the civic arena of discussions about issues that impact our communities, it is important that we are present. Although our credibility as an institution has been damaged by the scandalous behavior of a few, it is time for us to regain the trust and confidence of the people by working diligently to proclaim the Gospel and live it faithfully in our own lives. Being content with the status quo is unacceptable.
My dear people, be serious about your faith journey. Pray with intensity and fervor. Pour out your heart before God. Turn away from sin. Strive to live a virtuous life. Be a saint. The world needs your witness.
"When the Son of Man returns, will he find any faith on the earth?"
~Luke 18:8