Please don't miss the opportunity to pray well during these final days of Advent. If your parish is having a penance service, please try to attend. If they had one already and you missed it, look for other opportunities to receive God's grace and healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I invite you to truly prepare the way of the Lord during these remaining days of Advent.
Finally, be aware of the people around you. The holidays are a difficult time for many people. Keep in mind especially those who have experienced a death in the family in the last year or two. The Christmas season can be particularly difficult for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Many social gatherings happen during this time of year. Enjoy one another's company, but please be safe. Don't drink and drive. Tragic accidents always bring an immense amount of pain, but when that accident happens around Christmas, it seems to escalate the pain. This is especially true if the accident was avoidable.
The "O Antiphons" become prevalent now as well. I close with the prayer listed on the United states Conference of Catholic Bishops' website for December 17.
"O Wisdom of our God most high, guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!"