There is a great deal of misinformation about Catholic doctrine in regard to Mary. Let's be clear. Catholics do not worship Mary. Worship belongs to God alone. We honor Mary for her role in salvation history as the mother of the Savior. The prayer, "Hail Mary," is a scriptural prayer. See Luke's Gospel for details about the "Annunciation" and the "Visitation". Read the words from St. Luke which are contained in the "Hail Mary". It is important to have a proper understanding of the theological context of these Scripture passages in relation to the devotional life of the Church resulting from that understanding.
Today's feast, The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is often ridiculed by non-Catholics as having no basis in Scripture. I would like to refer you to a couple of articles to enhance your knowledge and understanding about this feast.
How does your devotional life impact your liturgical prayer?