Our country is in dire need of a strong moral conscience. Unfortunately, the voice of the Church has been drowned out in many ways. The sex abuse scandal has weighed down the moral credibility of the message. Lackluster leadership within the Church has failed to proclaim the message of the Gospel with enthusiasm and authority. The winds of popular opinion have influenced the way the Gospel is preached. An absence of truth leads to moral decay and destruction, much like the twisted roots of the trees in the picture.
Politics is simply a snapshot of our culture. Let us recognize that we did not get into this predicament overnight. We are simply reaping what has been sown for decades. Our country is severely divided and it will continue to be after the election is over. When the Church sleeps chaos ensues. It is far past time for the Church to awaken.
Do you pray for our world? Do you pray for the conversion of sinners? Do you pray for the salvation of souls. We cannot sit idly by and watch our nation crumble under the weight of sin and degradation. We each have a responsibility to pray and fast for the conversion of sinners. "When the Son of Man returns will He find any faith on the earth?" Good question!