Practical questions still surround us.
1. What will be the long-term economic impact of societal shutdown?
2. Will we see a spike in reported COVID-19 cases?
3. Can we trust the information being provided to us regarding the virus?
4. What are the long-term mental health consequences of school closures?
5. How does all of this impact the election in November?
6. What will be the ripple effects of peaceful protests and riots?
7. What will be the long-term consequences to society due to lawlessness?
8. How will the intense divisions in our country impact our future?
This list could go on extensively, but you get the point. Now let's bring those types of questions into the realm of the Church?
1. What will be the long-term economic impact to local churches because of societal shutdown?
2. How many Catholic parishes and schools will close because of this additional financial hardship?
3. If you were asked to describe the role of the Church during the shutdown of society, how would you explain it?
4. If you were asked to describe the role of the Church during the peaceful protests, as well as during the riots and looting, how would you explain it?
Finally, let's bring this down to the personal level. How have you been impacted by the events of 2020?
1. How were you impacted emotionally by societal shutdown?
2. Economically?
3. Spiritually?
4. Specifically, how did the absence of the sacraments impact you personally?
5. Did your personal prayer life improve during this time, or did it decline?
The challenges are real, and it is easy to become discouraged. My dear readers, I want to encourage you to stay rooted in prayer. Read the Sacred Scriptures and meditate on the Word made Flesh. Read the Catechism. Grow in your understanding of the faith. Know the Way, the Truth, and the Life--Jesus Christ! The spiritual battle is heating up. Put on the full armor of God for your protection. (See Ephesians 6: 10-18)