About ten miles away from Fort Laramie I also had the pleasure of visiting the Oregon Trail Ruts as well as Register Cliff. Reading the historical sketches describing life at Fort Laramie and along the Oregon Trail was a humbling endeavor. The United States of America has certainly had its trying times all throughout our history. Progress for one segment of the population (the army) was not viewed as progress at all by another segment (Native American). Divisions continue to exist in modern times along racial and ethnic lines, religious affiliations, liberals and conservatives, rich and poor.
Our leaders at the national level repeatedly reveal the cause of our country's demise. There is a lack of integrity. I looked up the word integrity and found the following definitions from www.dictionary.com:
1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.
3. a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.
If we look at the frequent "flip-flops" of political stances by major players on both sides of the aisle we can easily see that polling data surpasses integrity time and time again.
I believe enough evidence has been garnered during Mrs. Clinton's career to demonstrate that she is not a very truthful person. In the modern age of showing video clips from the archives directly contradicting current statements that a person has made can make it difficult to hide from the truth even when most of the major media outlets assist in covering up these scandalous contradictions. The truth makes a big difference if we ever hope to be on solid footing as crucial decisions are made.
Sadly, our lack of integrity here at home diminishes our influence throughout the world. This has resulted in added chaos and horrendous violence which we see depicted almost every evening on the nightly newscast. The perception of Mrs. Clinton selling government favors for donations to the Clinton Foundation makes it difficult to have moral authority in the fight against terrorism or any other negotiations as well.
My heart aches for the future of our country. We cannot continue to turn away from God and expect no consequences as a result. May each of us be molded by Eternal Truth!