Clouds have been on my mind a lot in recent days since preparing my homily for the Ascension of the Lord. My imagination has been hard at work trying to picture what it must have been like for the disciples to witness this magnificent happening of a cloud taking Jesus from their sight. The emotional roller coaster for them had to be quite the ride as they saw Jesus arrested, executed, and buried. Then they hear about an empty tomb; then they actually see Jesus; and now he leaves again. Wow! That could be mentally exhausting.
As we move toward Pentecost Sunday, I pray that each of us will indeed be "clothed with power from on high." The culture desperately needs to see our fidelity and faithfulness to Jesus Christ. It can be quite the ride for us as well, but it is well worth it. We have been called to sanctity through our baptism. Let us cooperate fully with God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit to truly build the Kingdom of Heaven. How will you specifically do that today?