The Huffington Post claimed that the budget deal was a huge win for Planned Parenthood. Obviously, it was. The money continues to flow to them. An article on Newsmax which referred to the Huffington Post article drew some vile comments from the pro-abortion crowd. Statements were made that Planned Parenthood doesn't sell body parts and that pro-lifers are responsible for things like the shooting in Colorado Springs. Really? Even after the undercover videos revealed the tactics of Planned Parenthood, many people choose to remain in denial. It seems that a major portion of society is unable to recognize sin, and we will all reap the consequences of this falling away from God.
This past Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we had the Gospel reading of Mary visiting Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the child within her womb leaped for joy. Elizabeth said, "Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" Let that soak in for a moment. John the Baptist leaping for joy at the greeting of Mary because of the movement of the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth was able to recognize the "mother of my Lord" because of the Holy Spirit. All of this takes place while the two children are in the womb. How can we dare to say as a society that it is okay to rip children from the womb and end their existence?
Repetition of sin lulls our conscience to sleep. If we hear a mantra repeated over and over again long enough we start to believe it. The effectiveness of using the words "pro-choice" has been phenomenal. Who wouldn't be for choice? It sounds so nice and accommodating. The reality is something else.
What do you think?
"When the Son of Man comes to earth, will He find any faith on earth?"