I will spare you some of the details of the conversation, but it ended with her saying, "You need to shave. You look rough." I pleaded my case that it had only been two weeks since I started growing my beard. It would take a couple more weeks for it to fill out. She said, "When I said you look rough, I meant that you look like a bum." I simply thought to myself, "My retirement goals have been reached. Where is the nearest beach appropriate for this bum?"
Alas, I am not retired. I complied for now and shaved so I would not look like a bum at the retreat or at Mass. However, the beard will return again at some point in time. My beard may not be as blonde and brown as it was 30 years ago. Actually, it appears that it will be predominantly white. I will either look distinguished, or I will resemble a bum. Is it strange that I feel content with either description?