The opportunity to step away from the rigors of day-to-day life to reflect and pray is a wonderful gift indeed. This weekend retreat in the picturesque setting of Centennial, Wyoming will provide such an opportunity. I invite and encourage men all across the state to give serious consideration to attending this retreat if possible. As the retreat leader for the weekend I take my role very seriously. I will do my best with the help of God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us into a profound encounter with Jesus Christ during these days.
Stir Into Flame the Gift of Faith will be the theme of the weekend. We will focus our attention on the magnitude of God’s love, the gift of salvation, and our life in Christ. We will also look at ways we can more fully open ourselves to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to truly grow in holiness each and every day of our lives. There will be times for quiet meditation, prayer, discussions, and of course, the celebration of the Sacraments. It is exciting to share the journey of faith together.
In an attempt to get your mind pondering, here are a few reflection questions.
1. What motivates you to put your faith in Jesus?
2. How has the Eucharist nourished you for mission?
3. How do you live the Beatitudes in a concrete and specific way?
4. What are the things in your life that you place before God?
5. What have been your personal struggles with prayer?
6. Whom do you need to forgive at this moment of your life?
It is going to be a fantastic retreat. I am looking forward to gathering with men from all across the diocese. Bishop Etienne will be present on Friday evening to be the celebrant for our opening Eucharistic Liturgy. Men--make plans to join us if you have not already done so.