I could have never imagined the journey that was in store for me at the time of diagnosis. It wasn't just enduring the surgery. It was the months of chemotherapy after the surgery that was the real challenge. The struggle was intense and lengthy. Many times I thought my life was over. The infections were frequent and my strength was minimal, but somehow I managed to beat the odds.
Today, I just want to express a word of gratitude and encouragement. I am grateful for the additional years of life and the amazing journey it has been. It has not always been easy, but it has been blessed. For those of you going through tough times right now, please know of my prayers for you. I know the battle can sometimes be overwhelming. Hang in there. A day at a time, sometimes a moment at a time, may be the limit of what you can handle. Those moments add up to days, weeks, and even months. Somehow you weather the storm. You are strong when you walk in God's grace.
Enjoy a sunrise or sunset. Smell the flowers. Look at the ocean. Look at the mountains. If you are in Iowa, look at the cornfields and the grain bins. Wherever you are, look at the beauty of creation and see the hand of God. That same God holds you in the palm of His hand. You are beloved!