Preaching and teaching on pro-life issues is not always received well even in church circles. Taking it to the public airwaves on a secular radio station outside the confines of the community of believers was certain to raise the ire of some of the listeners. I will admit that I was somewhat grateful that the segment was only 30 minutes long—much less when you figure in news and breaks. Only two phone calls were taken during the interview, but the first one was right on cue. “Why are you grey-haired men talking about what a woman can do with her body?”
Although my hair isn’t turning grey, it is falling out. Thus, I will accept the caller’s insinuation that I am old and also a male. It still amazes me that according to the thinking of this caller and others with similar mindsets, I am not allowed to have any input on this issue because I can’t possibly understand the complexity and nuances of the matter due to my gender and/or age. If one plays that logic out with all issues across the board the result would be quite interesting indeed.
It truly breaks my heart that our society frequently perceives pregnancy as a disease to be cured rather than the miracle of life that it is. The radio host mentioned the Declaration of Independence and the words, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Let’s be honest. If one is not given the right to life, the other rights bestowed are meaningless. Ultra-sound technology has provided a clearer and clearer picture of fetal development. This window into the womb definitively shows that we are not just talking about the body of the woman; we are talking also about the body of the baby growing and developing in what should be the security of the mother’s womb. Unfortunately, we know that the womb is not always safe for the child.
Our culture continues to do its best in many ways to promote lifestyles and behaviors which are detrimental to the good of society. Any nation that refuses to protect the most innocent among us is taking a path of destruction and grief. It is my hope that at some point in time our nation will truly recognize the dignity and sacred value of each human being. Eventually, I pray that we will give more than lip service to the words, “one nation under God”!